Probiotics: There seems to be more discussion and more advertisements centered around them. But what are they and do runners really need them?
Well first off, probiotics are not just another supplement out there being marketed to you. In fact you already have them right inside your body. More specifically they make up the microflora in your digestive tract and help maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria.
What causes the body’s microflora to get out of balance?
There are several things that you encounter on a daily basis that can upset the delicate balance of your body’s microflora. Stress and environmental toxins, antibiotics, oral contraceptives and lack of sleep. Eating inflammatory foods on a regular basis such as processed carbohydrates (even ones you think are healthy such as granola bars and bagels) and foods high in refined sugar. And speaking of inflammation, running itself produces inflammation in your body!
What happens when the bad guys take over?
Your body starts to wage war against the bad guys, but when they take over, your immune system gets out of whack. You become more susceptible to colds and flu. You can develop digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea and even IBS, Crohn’s and colitis. You may experience yeast infections as a result of candida overgrowth. Eczema, diabetes, arthritis and autoimmune disease are linked to an imbalance in your microflora.
How do you maintain balance?
- Limit your intake of processed foods and sweets. Save them for special occasions. I’m a firm believer in the 80/20 rule: eat healthy unprocessed foods 80% of the time and splurge 20%.
- Up your intake of anti-inflammortary foods such as fresh produce. Think foods you purchase on the perimeter of your grocery store. Be mindful of your body’s need to recover after a long run or a speed workout and support it with your diet.
- Take a probiotic supplement to modulate your body’s natural immune response. It will help boost the good bacteria keeping the digestive system functioning properly and making sure it’s moving at the right pace: not too fast and not too slow. A probiotic supplement will also help you get the most nutrients from your food.
Can’t I just eat yogurt?
Unless you make your own yogurt, commercial brands are processed and high in sugar. By the time your purchase them, most, if not all of the probiotic benefit, is gone.
Which probiotic supplement should I take?
Just like I recommend that you should be selective about the types of foods you eat, you should also be selective when it comes to supplements. Don’t purchase your supplements from the same place you would purchase a set of tires. Unfortunately the supplement industry is not well regulated, so you want to look for products that are manufactured by companies that voluntarily adhere to FDA standards. For this reason I personally take and recommend USANA Health Sciences to all my clients.
The USANA Probiotic has 12 billion colony forming bacteria per serving, contains live and active cultures, is dairy free and sugar free. It also does not require refrigeration and may be stored at room temperature for up to 18 months. Click Here to order yours. Another thing I like about the USANA Probiotic is that it taste good and it come in little stick packets that are easy to carry.
Because you run, you need to take extra precautions to make sure that your immune system is in good working order. Running puts a lot of stress on your body creating inflammation. Taking a high quality probiotic supplement will help your body get the most nutrients from the food you eat, prevent toxins from harming your body and keep your digestive tract moving at an optimal rate.
If this post has given you a better understanding of probiotics, please share it with your friends. Got questions? Please ask them in the comments below!
Love this!!!! Great advice. It is the small changes that make the biggest difference.
Thanks! I sure wish I would have figured that out sooner!