Initially I had not planned to run any 5Ks this spring since I am training for two half marathons that are 5 weeks apart from each other. However, I was really starting to question whether my goal of 1:52 for the Bentonville Half Marathon was realistic based on how I was feeling during my training runs. I’d had some pretty solid speed sessions but had only one really solid long run that didn’t leave me feeling as if I’d been run over by a truck.
A 5K isn’t exactly the best indicator for how well you’ll run a half marathon, but generally the race prediction models you find online aren’t too far off. The Spring Fling 5k was held on Saturday, March 23rd, one week before the half marathon. I decided to run it and use the results to help me determine my pacing goal for the half. According to the prediction models a 24:30 minute 5K would indicate I should be able to run a 1:52 half marathon.
My coach asked me to run more on feel instead of following a very specific pacing plan. She had me aim for a first mile of 7:45- 8 minutes and then see how I felt. If it felt a little fast, drop it back a little. If it felt good then see if I could hold it or even push the pace.
The weather was great, a little on the cool side, but sunny and not much wind. It was perfect for capris and a short sleeve shirt. I really like how this race starts on the road and then finishes on the track at the high school. The track is at the bottom of a hill so you have a great downhill run into the track which makes for some great momentum to finish the race.
My splits were:
Mile 1 7:48
Mile 2 8:12
Mile 3 8:09
0.1 0:49
Overall finish time was 24:58
The first mile felt really smooth and comfortable. The next two miles felt as if I was running just as fast as I did the first mile, but obviously I was slowing down. Once I ran onto the track I made the decision to hold the pace and not kick until after mile 3. I felt like it was more important for my body to feel and hold a pace that was closer to half marathon pace than to sprint the 3/4 of a lap around the track. And honestly, I wasn’t really sure I could sprint that far.
The Spring Fling 5K was a great race and a much needed confidence booster as it helped me see the gains I’ve made in my training. I wasn’t even sore after the race. It also helped me determine that a 1:55 was a more realistic goal for my upcoming half marathon the following week. And bonus, I even won my age group!
Just wanted to tell you that I believe THIS is my very favorite post u have made so far. I do run 3-4 times a week soooooooo, why not every single day for 30??? Right! I love it. April 1st coming soon. Please email directly so we can chat and I won’t bore all the others on ur blog lol
Please remind me about this race next year – I would love to run it with you!