The last couple of weeks I have not exactly been walking my talk. While I live by the 80/20 rule (eat well 80% of the time), I would say I was probably following the 40/60 rule! Lots of snacking, lots of sugar and very little veggies. Oh and then there is this thing...
Race # 3 of the Arkansas Grand Prix Series found me completely in my element! I participated in the 10th Annual Chase Race and Paws event which consists of a 2 mile road race and a one mile race that can be run with a leashed pet. It was like being back in high school...
This year I am participating in the Arkansas Grand Prix Series, which is comprised of 20 races throughout the state from January to December. You are scored on your best 10 races enabling you to pick and choose the ones in which you wish to participate. This works...
The ice and snow we have had recently had me craving soup, but not just any soup. Not only did I want something to warm me up but I needed something filing as well. Plus I was really craving vegetables. I found this recipe in Matt Fitzgerald and Georgie Fear’s...
As I get mentally prepared for this weekend’s River Trail 15K, I can’t help but reflect back on my last race, the CASA Half Marathon in December. A nice PR, but it could have been so much better had I only listened to my Amy, my running coach. My original...