‘Tis the season for all things festive and merry! Before you say to heck with it and dive into a feeding frenzy this holiday season, read on to see how you can have your cake and enough energy for your long run too! Let’s face it we have all been there, so many sweet treats and savory snacks everywhere you turn! You’re tempted just to give up until after the new year when there will be less temptations. However, if you are planning to continue to train hard through the holidays and still log in those miles, your diet really is your secret weapon for continued progress and improvement.

The good news is that it’s not that hard to maintain a quality diet throughout the holidays. You just have to be intentional and plan ahead. Remember that failing to plan is the same as planning to fail! The following two tips will help keep you on track with healthy eating and better running throughout the holidays and into the new year.


#1 Follow the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule means that 80% of the time you are eating healthy and nutritious foods. The other 20% you’re giving yourself permission to indulge in the goodies of the season. One way that you can ensure that you do this is by making a conscious effort to eat more vegetables. Aim to have 2-3 servings of vegetables at each meal.  

Vegetables are nutrient dense and higher in fiber. This will ensure your body is getting the energy it needs to run and recover from hard workouts. If you are eating more vegetables you are going to feel better because you have more energy. You’ll also feel fuller and be less likely to overdo it with all the holiday treats. 


#2 Stay Hydrated

This is a biggee! It’s so easy to forget to drink water when the temperature is cooler outside. On top of that we are drinking more hot beverages like coffee, tea, and cocoa which are dehydrating. And if you imbibe in alcoholic beverages, these will also dehydrate you. For every 8 ounces of caffeine or alcohol you consume you need 16 ounces of water to reduce the effects of dehydration.

Drinking plenty of water will keep your system flushed and free of toxins that may be lurking in those less than nutritional food choices. This will also keep you from retaining water and help fight inflammation. The rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 140 pounds you need to drink 70 ounces of water plus enough to account for what you may have sweated out while running.

There you have it! Eating healthy during the holidays doesn’t have to be some lofty unattainable goal. And you don’t have to me a martyr and deprive yourself either. You do, however, have to be intentional and make a choice to plan ahead. It’s no different than making plans to make sure you have time to run during the holidays!

So Run, Eat and be Merry this Christmas! And be sure to share these holiday survival tips with your running friends!


P.S. Grab your Free copy of my guide: Meals on the Run: How to Make Eating Healthy Simple & Easy


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