You no longer have to be a super fast elite runner to hire a coach. Working with a coach has become quite popular among everyday regular runners who want better results but seem to fall short when they go at it alone. And let’s face it, race entry fees have become quite an investment! Who wants to spend all that money on a race and have a poor performance or worse end up injured as a result of training mistakes and never make it to the starting line!

Besides having knowledge and credentials, here are five intangible benefits you should expect when working with a coach.

1. Realistic Goals: Your coach should be able to assess your current abilities and assist you in setting realistic goals. She should develop training plans that meet you where you are currently and not where you were 3 years ago or where you dream of being someday.

2. Flexibility with workouts: Your coach should understand that life happens and training plans must allow for flexibility when a project at work takes precedence over running or your kid’s team makes the playoffs and now you’ll be traveling across the state for the next game. She will help you pull it all together and make adjustments and tweak your schedule to help you get the most benefit from the time you have to devote to running.

3. Accountability: Working with a coach gives you accountability to someone other than yourself and your big goals. Not only do you have more skin in the game because you have paid someone to help you, she has invested her time in creating a plan and meeting with your help you implement it. You don’t want to show up to your next call not having run any of the workouts that she prescribed! And you’ll have to answer to her if you wimp out and do only half the workout.

4. Motivation: Your coach will listen closely and understand the areas you need extra motivation and an extra push to get through the tough workouts. You will be able to hear her voice in your head when you are trying to talk yourself out of doing all 10 repeats and you’ll be motivated to keep going! Your coach will not only motivate you, but will teach you to think like a winner too.

5. Connection: You and your coach should have a good connection. Not everyone will be a good personality fit even though they may have great credentials. If you are going to invest your time and money working with someone, she should be be someone you can relate to. A coach who listens and understands you will not only motivate you, but will encourage you to give yourself some grace in those times you are being too hard on yourself.

Are you looking for a coach? I currently have a few openings in my client schedule. You can click here to check out my coaching services. If you are interested in working together there is a link for you to contact me.

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